Creating a UIA manually

Creating an Asset

>>> create_asset <issuer> <symbol> <precision> <options> null false


A false at the end allows to check and verify the constructed transaction and does not broadcast it. The null for the bitassets parameter is essential for a user-issued asset that is not also a prediction market asset. An {} for the parameter could be used to construct a ../user/mpa and is the subject of another tutorial.


The precision can be any non-negative integer starting from 0. As options we pass a JSON object that can contain these settings:

   "max_supply" : 10000,    # Integer in satoshi! (100 for precision 1 and max 10)
   "market_fee_percent" : 30, # Integer in hundredths of one percent. 30/100 of 1% = 0.30% = 0.0030
   "max_market_fee" : 1000, # in satoshi
   "issuer_permissions" : <permissions>,
   "flags" : <flags>,
   "core_exchange_rate" : {
       "base": {
         "amount": 21,           # denominator
         "asset_id": "1.3.0"     # BTS
       "quote": {
         "amount": 76399,        # numerator
         "asset_id": "1.3.1"     # !THIS! asset
   "whitelist_authorities" : [],
   "blacklist_authorities" : [],
   "whitelist_markets" : [],
   "blacklist_markets" : [],
   "description" : "My fancy description"

The flags are construction as an JSON object containing these flags/permissions (see Assets - FAQ):

   "charge_market_fee" : true,
   "white_list" : true,
   "override_authority" : true,
   "transfer_restricted" : true,
   "disable_force_settle" : true,
   "global_settle" : true,
   "disable_confidential" : true,
   "witness_fed_asset" : true,
   "committee_fed_asset" : true

Permissions and flags are modelled as a sum of binary flags (see example below)

White-listing is described in more detail in ../../integration/asset-whitelist.

Issuing Shares

After creation of the asset, no shares will be in existence until they are issued by the issuer:

issue_asset <account> <amount> <symbol> <memo> True

Python Example

from grapheneapi import GrapheneClient
import json

perm = {}
perm["charge_market_fee"] = 0x01
perm["white_list"] = 0x02
perm["override_authority"] = 0x04
perm["transfer_restricted"] = 0x08
perm["disable_force_settle"] = 0x10
perm["global_settle"] = 0x20
perm["disable_confidential"] = 0x40
perm["witness_fed_asset"] = 0x80
perm["committee_fed_asset"] = 0x100

class Config():
    wallet_host           = "localhost"
    wallet_port           = 8092
    wallet_user           = ""
    wallet_password       = ""

if __name__ == '__main__':
    graphene = GrapheneClient(Config)

    permissions = {"charge_market_fee" : True,
                   "white_list" : True,
                   "override_authority" : True,
                   "transfer_restricted" : True,
                   "disable_force_settle" : True,
                   "global_settle" : True,
                   "disable_confidential" : True,
                   "witness_fed_asset" : True,
                   "committee_fed_asset" : True,
    flags       = {"charge_market_fee" : False,
                   "white_list" : False,
                   "override_authority" : False,
                   "transfer_restricted" : False,
                   "disable_force_settle" : False,
                   "global_settle" : False,
                   "disable_confidential" : False,
                   "witness_fed_asset" : False,
                   "committee_fed_asset" : False,
    permissions_int = 0
    for p in permissions :
        if permissions[p]:
            permissions_int += perm[p]
    flags_int = 0
    for p in permissions :
        if flags[p]:
            flags_int += perm[p]
    options = {"max_supply" : 10000,
               "market_fee_percent" : 0,
               "max_market_fee" : 0,
               "issuer_permissions" : permissions_int,
               "flags" : flags_int,
               "core_exchange_rate" : {
                   "base": {
                       "amount": 10,
                       "asset_id": "1.3.0"},
                   "quote": {
                       "amount": 10,
                       "asset_id": "1.3.1"}},
               "whitelist_authorities" : [],
               "blacklist_authorities" : [],
               "whitelist_markets" : [],
               "blacklist_markets" : [],
               "description" : "My fancy description"

    tx = graphene.rpc.create_asset("nathan", "SYMBOL", 3, options, {}, True)
    print(json.dumps(tx, indent=4))