Setting a password and Unlock a Cli Wallet

This section provides instructions on how to set up a password and unlock a Cli Wallet. If the wallet file does not exist, it will prompt new >>> to setup a password. Otherwise, it will prompt locked >>>.


New features have been added to the commands set_password and unlock.

  • These new features will prompt Enter password: and will not show the input.

  • These features work on Linux and MacOS.

  • These features also work on Windows, however not MSVC build.

Set a Password

Originally, set_password command worked only with a parameter (i.e., password). New feature, this command works without a parameter. This section provides the differences and the steps.

Use set_password with a parameter (password)

If cli_wallet starts successfully without a wallet file, it will prompt new >>> to set up a password

Please use the set_password method to initialize a new wallet before continuing
new >>>

Type set_password and followed by a password and hit [enter]

new >>> set_password supersecretpassphrase

If the password was saved successfully, it will show locked. The Cli Wallet has been locked, no one can access to the cli wallet without the password.

locked >>>

Use set_password without a parameter (Linux and MacOS)

If cli_wallet starts without a wallet file, it will prompt new >>> to set up a password.

Please use the set_password method to initialize a new wallet before continuing
new >>>

Type set_password and [enter]

new >>> set_password

If successful, it will prompt Enter password:. Type a password and hit [enter]. While typing the password, it should be invisible.

Enter password:

If the password has been saved successfully, it will prompt unlock. The Cli Wallet has been locked, no one can access to the cli wallet without the password.

locked >>>

Unlock a Cli Wallet

Originally, unlock command worked only with a parameter (i.e., password). New feature the command works without a parameter. This section provides the differences and the steps.

Use unlock with a parameter (password)

Type unlock and followed by a password and hit [enter]

locked >>> unlock supersecretpassphrase

If successful, it will prompt unlocked. The Cli Wallet has been unlocked, if there are any funds, they are accessible. Be cautious.

unlocked >>>

Use unlock without a parameter (Linux and MacOS)

Type unlock and hit [enter]

locked >>> unlock

If successful, it will prompt Enter password:. Type a password and hit [enter]. While typing the password, it should be invisible.

Enter password:

If the password was correct, it will prompt unlocked. The Cli Wallet has been unlocked, if there are any funds in the wallet, they are accessible. Be cautious.

unlocked >>>

Lock a Cli Wallet

After Cli Wallet has been unlocked, if any funds in the Cli Wallet, they are accessible. In genera, lock the cli wallet and only unlock when it’s needed.

Type lock and hit [enter]

unlocked >>> lock

If it’s locked successfully, it will prompt locked

locked >>>

Re-Set a password

If the current password needs to be changed, unlocked the Cli Wallet and use set_password to do so.

Type set_password and [enter]

unlocked >>> set_password


After this point, you can issue any command available to the cli-wallet (Wallet APIs) or construct your own transaction manually.

Get Help

  • gethelp

You can get more detailed information by issuing gethelp. Detailed explanations for most calls are available. For example,

unlocked >> gethelp "list_account_balances"