Wallet API - Calls

The wallet (cli_wallet) requires a running full node to connect to because it does not offer P2P or blockchain capabilities directly.

If you have not set up your wallet yet, you can find more information on the Wallet-CLI Tutorial and the CLI Wallet - FAQ pages.

Table of Contents

General Calls


string graphene::wallet::wallet_api::help() const

Returns a list of all commands supported by the wallet API.

This lists each command, along with its arguments and return types. For more detailed help on a single command, use gethelp()


a multi-line string suitable for displaying on a terminal


string graphene::wallet::wallet_api::gethelp(const string &method) const

Returns detailed help on a single API command.


a multi-line string suitable for displaying on a terminal

  • method: the name of the API command you want help with


variant graphene::wallet::wallet_api::info()

Returns info about head block, chain_id, maintenance, participation, current active witnesses and committee members.


runtime info about the blockchain


variant_object graphene::wallet::wallet_api::about() const

Returns info such as client version, git version of graphene/fc, version of boost, openssl.


compile time info and client and dependencies versions


void graphene::wallet::wallet_api::network_add_nodes(const vector<string> &nodes)


vector<variant> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::network_get_connected_peers()

Wallet Calls


bool graphene::wallet::wallet_api::is_new() const

Checks whether the wallet has just been created and has not yet had a password set.

Calling set_password will transition the wallet to the locked state.


true if the wallet is new


bool graphene::wallet::wallet_api::is_locked() const

Checks whether the wallet is locked (is unable to use its private keys).

This state can be changed by calling lock() or unlock().


true if the wallet is locked


void graphene::wallet::wallet_api::lock()

Locks the wallet immediately.


void graphene::wallet::wallet_api::unlock(string password)

Unlocks the wallet.

The wallet remain unlocked until the lock is called or the program exits.

When used in command line, if typed “unlock” without a password followed, the user will be prompted to input a password without echo.



void graphene::wallet::wallet_api::set_password(string password)

Sets a new password on the wallet.

The wallet must be either ‘new’ or ‘unlocked’ to execute this command.

When used in command line, if typed “set_password” without a password followed, the user will be prompted to input a password without echo.

  • password: a new password


map<public_key_type, string> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::dump_private_keys()

Dumps all private keys owned by the wallet.

The keys are printed in WIF format. You can import these keys into another wallet using import_key()


a map containing the private keys, indexed by their public key


bool graphene::wallet::wallet_api::import_key(string account_name_or_id, string wif_key)

Imports the private key for an existing account.

The private key must match either an owner key or an active key for the named account.




true if the key was imported

  • account_name_or_id: the account owning the key

  • wif_key: the private key in WIF format


map<string, bool> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::import_accounts(string filename, string password)

Imports accounts from a BitShares 0.x wallet file. Current wallet file must be unlocked to perform the import.


a map containing the accounts found and whether imported

  • filename: the BitShares 0.x wallet file to import

  • password: the password to encrypt the BitShares 0.x wallet file


bool graphene::wallet::wallet_api::import_account_keys(string filename, string password, string src_account_name, string dest_account_name)

Imports from a BitShares 0.x wallet file, find keys that were bound to a given account name on the BitShares 0.x chain, rebind them to an account name on the 2.0 chain. Current wallet file must be unlocked to perform the import.


whether the import has succeeded

  • filename: the BitShares 0.x wallet file to import

  • password: the password to encrypt the BitShares 0.x wallet file

  • src_account_name: name of the account on BitShares 0.x chain

  • dest_account_name: name of the account on BitShares 2.0 chain, can be same or different to src_account_name


vector<signed_transaction> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::import_balance(string account_name_or_id, const vector<string> &wif_keys, bool broadcast)

This call will construct transaction(s) that will claim all balances controled by wif_keys and deposit them into the given account.

  • account_name_or_id: name or ID of an account that to claim balances to

  • wif_keys: private WIF keys of balance objects to claim balances from

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


brain_key_info graphene::wallet::wallet_api::suggest_brain_key() const

Suggests a safe brain key to use for creating your account. create_account_with_brain_key() requires you to specify a ‘brain key’, a long passphrase that provides enough entropy to generate cyrptographic keys. This function will suggest a suitably random string that should be easy to write down (and, with effort, memorize).


a suggested brain_key


transaction_id_type graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_transaction_id(const signed_transaction &trx) const

This method is used to convert a JSON transaction to its transactin ID.


the ID (hash) of the transaction

  • trx: a JSON transaction


string graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_private_key(public_key_type pubkey) const

Get the WIF private key corresponding to a public key. The private key must already be in the wallet.


the WIF private key

  • pubkey: a public key in Base58 format


bool graphene::wallet::wallet_api::load_wallet_file(string wallet_filename = "")

Loads a specified Graphene wallet.

The current wallet is closed before the new wallet is loaded.


This does not change the filename that will be used for future wallet writes, so this may cause you to overwrite your original wallet unless you also call set_wallet_filename()


true if the specified wallet is loaded

  • wallet_filename: the filename of the wallet JSON file to load. If wallet_filename is empty, it reloads the existing wallet file


string graphene::wallet::wallet_api::normalize_brain_key(string s) const

Transforms a brain key to reduce the chance of errors when re-entering the key from memory.

This takes a user-supplied brain key and normalizes it into the form used for generating private keys. In particular, this upper-cases all ASCII characters and collapses multiple spaces into one.


the brain key in its normalized form

  • s: the brain key as supplied by the user


void graphene::wallet::wallet_api::save_wallet_file(string wallet_filename = "")

Saves the current wallet to the given filename.


This does not change the wallet filename that will be used for future writes, so think of this function as ‘Save a Copy As…’ instead of ‘Save As…’. Use set_wallet_filename() to make the filename persist.

  • wallet_filename: the filename of the new wallet JSON file to create or overwrite. If wallet_filename is empty, save to the current filename.

Account Calls


vector<account_object> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::list_my_accounts()

Lists all accounts controlled by this wallet. This returns a list of the full account objects for all accounts whose private keys we possess.


a list of account objects


map<string, account_id_type> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::list_accounts(const string &lowerbound, uint32_t limit)

Lists all accounts registered in the blockchain. This returns a list of all account names and their account ids, sorted by account name.

Use the lowerbound and limit parameters to page through the list. To retrieve all accounts, start by setting lowerbound to the empty string "", and then each iteration, pass the last account name returned as the lowerbound for the next list_accounts() call.


a list of accounts mapping account names to account ids

  • lowerbound: the name of the first account to return. If the named account does not exist, the list will start at the account that comes after lowerbound

  • limit: the maximum number of accounts to return (max: 1000)


vector<asset> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::list_account_balances(const string &id)

List the balances of an account. Each account can have multiple balances, one for each type of asset owned by that account. The returned list will only contain assets for which the account has a nonzero balance


a list of the given account’s balances

  • id: the name or id of the account whose balances you want


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::register_account(string name, public_key_type owner, public_key_type active, string registrar_account, string referrer_account, uint32_t referrer_percent, bool broadcast = false)

Registers a third party’s account on the blockckain.

This function is used to register an account for which you do not own the private keys. When acting as a registrar, an end user will generate their own private keys and send you the public keys. The registrar will use this function to register the account on behalf of the end user.




the signed transaction registering the account

  • name: the name of the account, must be unique on the blockchain. Shorter names are more expensive to register; the rules are still in flux, but in general names of more than 8 characters with at least one digit will be cheap.

  • owner: the owner key for the new account

  • active: the active key for the new account

  • registrar_account: the account which will pay the fee to register the user

  • referrer_account: the account who is acting as a referrer, and may receive a portion of the user’s transaction fees. This can be the same as the registrar_account if there is no referrer.

  • referrer_percent: the percentage (0 - 100) of the new user’s transaction fees not claimed by the blockchain that will be distributed to the referrer; the rest will be sent to the registrar. Will be multiplied by GRAPHENE_1_PERCENT when constructing the transaction.

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::upgrade_account(string name, bool broadcast)

Upgrades an account to prime status. This makes the account holder a ‘lifetime member’.


the signed transaction upgrading the account

  • name: the name or id of the account to upgrade

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::create_account_with_brain_key(string brain_key, string account_name, string registrar_account, string referrer_account, bool broadcast = false)

Creates a new account and registers it on the blockchain.






the signed transaction registering the account

  • brain_key: the brain key used for generating the account’s private keys

  • account_name: the name of the account, must be unique on the blockchain. Shorter names are more expensive to register; the rules are still in flux, but in general names of more than 8 characters with at least one digit will be cheap.

  • registrar_account: the account which will pay the fee to register the user

  • referrer_account: the account who is acting as a referrer, and may receive a portion of the user’s transaction fees. This can be the same as the registrar_account if there is no referrer.

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::transfer(string from, string to, string amount, string asset_symbol, string memo, bool broadcast = false)

Transfer an amount from one account to another.


the signed transaction transferring funds

  • from: the name or id of the account sending the funds

  • to: the name or id of the account receiving the funds

  • amount: the amount to send (in nominal units to send half of a BTS, specify 0.5)

  • asset_symbol: the symbol or id of the asset to send

  • memo: a memo to attach to the transaction. The memo will be encrypted in the transaction and readable for the receiver. There is no length limit other than the limit imposed by maximum transaction size, but transaction increase with transaction size

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


pair<transaction_id_type, signed_transaction> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::transfer2(string from, string to, string amount, string asset_symbol, string memo)

This method works just like transfer, except it always broadcasts and returns the transaction ID (hash) along with the signed transaction.


the transaction ID (hash) along with the signed transaction transferring funds

  • from: the name or id of the account sending the funds

  • to: the name or id of the account receiving the funds

  • amount: the amount to send (in nominal units to send half of a BTS, specify 0.5)

  • asset_symbol: the symbol or id of the asset to send

  • memo: a memo to attach to the transaction. The memo will be encrypted in the transaction and readable for the receiver. There is no length limit other than the limit imposed by maximum transaction size, but transaction increase with transaction size


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::whitelist_account(string authorizing_account, string account_to_list, account_whitelist_operation::account_listing new_listing_status, bool broadcast = false)

Whitelist and blacklist accounts, primarily for transacting in whitelisted assets.

Accounts can freely specify opinions about other accounts, in the form of either whitelisting or blacklisting them. This information is used in chain validation only to determine whether an account is authorized to transact in an asset type which enforces a whitelist, but third parties can use this information for other uses as well, as long as it does not conflict with the use of whitelisted assets.

An asset which enforces a whitelist specifies a list of accounts to maintain its whitelist, and a list of accounts to maintain its blacklist. In order for a given account A to hold and transact in a whitelisted asset S, A must be whitelisted by at least one of S’s whitelist_authorities and blacklisted by none of S’s blacklist_authorities. If A receives a balance of S, and is later removed from the whitelist(s) which allowed it to hold S, or added to any blacklist S specifies as authoritative, A’s balance of S will be frozen until A’s authorization is reinstated.


the signed transaction changing the whitelisting status

  • authorizing_account: the account who is doing the whitelisting

  • account_to_list: the account being whitelisted

  • new_listing_status: the new whitelisting status

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


vector<vesting_balance_object_with_info> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_vesting_balances(string account_name)

Get information about a vesting balance object or vesting balance objects owned by an account.


a list of vesting balance objects with additional info

  • account_name: An account name, account ID, or vesting balance object ID.


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::withdraw_vesting(string witness_name, string amount, string asset_symbol, bool broadcast = false)

Withdraw a vesting balance.


the signed transaction

  • witness_name: The account name of the witness, also accepts account ID or vesting balance ID type.

  • amount: The amount to withdraw.

  • asset_symbol: The symbol of the asset to withdraw.

  • broadcast: true if you wish to broadcast the transaction


account_object graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_account(string account_name_or_id) const

Returns information about the given account.


the public account data stored in the blockchain

  • account_name_or_id: the name or ID of the account to provide information about


account_id_type graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_account_id(string account_name_or_id) const

Lookup the id of a named account.


the id of the named account

  • account_name_or_id: the name or ID of the account to look up


vector<operation_detail> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_account_history(string name, int limit) const

Returns the most recent operations on the named account.

This returns a list of operation history objects, which describe activity on the account.


a list of operation_history_objects

  • name: the name or id of the account

  • limit: the number of entries to return (starting from the most recent)


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::approve_proposal(const string &fee_paying_account, const string &proposal_id, const approval_delta &delta, bool broadcast)

Approve or disapprove a proposal.


the signed version of the transaction

  • fee_paying_account: The account paying the fee for the op.

  • proposal_id: The proposal to modify.

  • delta: Members contain approvals to create or remove. In JSON you can leave empty members undefined.

  • broadcast: true if you wish to broadcast the transaction

Trading Calls


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::sell_asset(string seller_account, string amount_to_sell, string symbol_to_sell, string min_to_receive, string symbol_to_receive, uint32_t timeout_sec = 0, bool fill_or_kill = false, bool broadcast = false)

Place a limit order attempting to sell one asset for another.

Buying and selling are the same operation on Graphene; if you want to buy BTS with USD, you should sell USD for BTS.

The blockchain will attempt to sell the symbol_to_sell for as much symbol_to_receive as possible, as long as the price is at least min_to_receive / amount_to_sell.

In addition to the transaction fees, market fees will apply as specified by the issuer of both the selling asset and the receiving asset as a percentage of the amount exchanged.

If either the selling asset or the receiving asset is whitelist restricted, the order will only be created if the seller is on the whitelist of the restricted asset type.

Market orders are matched in the order they are included in the block chain.


the signed transaction selling the funds

  • seller_account: the account providing the asset being sold, and which will receive the proceeds of the sale.

  • amount_to_sell: the amount of the asset being sold to sell (in nominal units)

  • symbol_to_sell: the name or id of the asset to sell

  • min_to_receive: the minimum amount you are willing to receive in return for selling the entire amount_to_sell

  • symbol_to_receive: the name or id of the asset you wish to receive

  • timeout_sec: if the order does not fill immediately, this is the length of time the order will remain on the order books before it is cancelled and the un-spent funds are returned to the seller’s account

  • fill_or_kill: if true, the order will only be included in the blockchain if it is filled immediately; if false, an open order will be left on the books to fill any amount that cannot be filled immediately.

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::borrow_asset(string borrower_name, string amount_to_borrow, string asset_symbol, string amount_of_collateral, bool broadcast = false)

Borrow an asset or update the debt/collateral ratio for the loan.

This is the first step in shorting an asset. Call sell_asset() to complete the short.


the signed transaction borrowing the asset

  • borrower_name: the name or id of the account associated with the transaction.

  • amount_to_borrow: the amount of the asset being borrowed. Make this value negative to pay back debt.

  • asset_symbol: the symbol or id of the asset being borrowed.

  • amount_of_collateral: the amount of the backing asset to add to your collateral position. Make this negative to claim back some of your collateral. The backing asset is defined in the bitasset_options for the asset being borrowed.

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::cancel_order(object_id_type order_id, bool broadcast = false)

Cancel an existing order


the signed transaction canceling the order

  • order_id: the id of order to be cancelled

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::settle_asset(string account_to_settle, string amount_to_settle, string symbol, bool broadcast = false)

Schedules a market-issued asset for automatic settlement.

Holders of market-issued assests may request a forced settlement for some amount of their asset. This means that the specified sum will be locked by the chain and held for the settlement period, after which time the chain will choose a margin posision holder and buy the settled asset using the margin’s collateral. The price of this sale will be based on the feed price for the market-issued asset being settled. The exact settlement price will be the feed price at the time of settlement with an offset in favor of the margin position, where the offset is a blockchain parameter set in the global_property_object.


the signed transaction settling the named asset

  • account_to_settle: the name or id of the account owning the asset

  • amount_to_settle: the amount of the named asset to schedule for settlement

  • symbol: the name or id of the asset to settle

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


vector<bucket_object> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_market_history(string symbol, string symbol2, uint32_t bucket, fc::time_point_sec start, fc::time_point_sec end) const

Get OHLCV data of a trading pair in a time range.


A list of OHLCV data, in “least recent first” order.

  • symbol: name or ID of the base asset

  • symbol2: name or ID of the quote asset

  • bucket: length of each time bucket in seconds.

  • start: the start of a time range, E.G. “2018-01-01T00:00:00”

  • end: the end of the time range


vector<limit_order_object> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_limit_orders(string a, string b, uint32_t limit) const

Get limit orders in a given market.


The limit orders, ordered from least price to greatest

  • a: symbol or ID of asset being sold

  • b: symbol or ID of asset being purchased

  • limit: Maximum number of orders to retrieve


vector<call_order_object> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_call_orders(string a, uint32_t limit) const

Get call orders (aka margin positions) for a given asset.


The call orders, ordered from earliest to be called to latest

  • a: symbol name or ID of the debt asset

  • limit: Maximum number of orders to retrieve


vector<force_settlement_object> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_settle_orders(string a, uint32_t limit) const

Get forced settlement orders in a given asset.


The settle orders, ordered from earliest settlement date to latest

  • a: Symbol or ID of asset being settled

  • limit: Maximum number of orders to retrieve

Asset Calls


vector<extended_asset_object> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::list_assets(const string &lowerbound, uint32_t limit) const

Lists all assets registered on the blockchain.

To list all assets, pass the empty string "" for the lowerbound to start at the beginning of the list, and iterate as necessary.


the list of asset objects, ordered by symbol

  • lowerbound: the symbol of the first asset to include in the list.

  • limit: the maximum number of assets to return (max: 100)


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::create_asset(string issuer, string symbol, uint8_t precision, asset_options common, fc::optional<bitasset_options> bitasset_opts, bool broadcast = false)

Creates a new user-issued or market-issued asset.

Many options can be changed later using update_asset()

Right now this function is difficult to use because you must provide raw JSON data structures for the options objects, and those include prices and asset ids.


the signed transaction creating a new asset

  • issuer: the name or id of the account who will pay the fee and become the issuer of the new asset. This can be updated later

  • symbol: the ticker symbol of the new asset

  • precision: the number of digits of precision to the right of the decimal point, must be less than or equal to 12

  • common: asset options required for all new assets. Note that core_exchange_rate technically needs to store the asset ID of this new asset. Since this ID is not known at the time this operation is created, create this price as though the new asset has instance ID 1, and the chain will overwrite it with the new asset’s ID.

  • bitasset_opts: options specific to BitAssets. This may be null unless the market_issued flag is set in common.flags

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::update_asset(string symbol, optional<string> new_issuer, asset_options new_options, bool broadcast = false)

Update the core options on an asset. There are a number of options which all assets in the network use. These options are enumerated in the asset_object::asset_options struct. This command is used to update these options for an existing asset.


This operation cannot be used to update BitAsset-specific options. For these options, update_bitasset() instead.


the signed transaction updating the asset

  • symbol: the name or id of the asset to update

  • new_issuer: if changing the asset’s issuer, the name or id of the new issuer. null if you wish to remain the issuer of the asset

  • new_options: the new asset_options object, which will entirely replace the existing options.

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::update_bitasset(string symbol, bitasset_options new_options, bool broadcast = false)

Update the options specific to a BitAsset.

BitAssets have some options which are not relevant to other asset types. This operation is used to update those options an an existing BitAsset.




the signed transaction updating the bitasset

  • symbol: the name or id of the asset to update, which must be a market-issued asset

  • new_options: the new bitasset_options object, which will entirely replace the existing options.

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::update_asset_feed_producers(string symbol, flat_set<string> new_feed_producers, bool broadcast = false)

Update the set of feed-producing accounts for a BitAsset.

BitAssets have price feeds selected by taking the median values of recommendations from a set of feed producers. This command is used to specify which accounts may produce feeds for a given BitAsset.


the signed transaction updating the bitasset’s feed producers

  • symbol: the name or id of the asset to update

  • new_feed_producers: a list of account names or ids which are authorized to produce feeds for the asset. this list will completely replace the existing list

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::publish_asset_feed(string publishing_account, string symbol, price_feed feed, bool broadcast = false)

Publishes a price feed for the named asset.

Price feed providers use this command to publish their price feeds for market-issued assets. A price feed is used to tune the market for a particular market-issued asset. For each value in the feed, the median across all committee_member feeds for that asset is calculated and the market for the asset is configured with the median of that value.

The feed object in this command contains three prices: a call price limit, a short price limit, and a settlement price. The call limit price is structured as (collateral asset) / (debt asset) and the short limit price is structured as (asset for sale) / (collateral asset). Note that the asset IDs are opposite to eachother, so if we’re publishing a feed for USD, the call limit price will be CORE/USD and the short limit price will be USD/CORE. The settlement price may be flipped either direction, as long as it is a ratio between the market-issued asset and its collateral.


the signed transaction updating the price feed for the given asset

  • publishing_account: the account publishing the price feed

  • symbol: the name or id of the asset whose feed we’re publishing

  • feed: the price_feed object containing the three prices making up the feed

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::issue_asset(string to_account, string amount, string symbol, string memo, bool broadcast = false)

Issue new shares of an asset.


the signed transaction issuing the new shares

  • to_account: the name or id of the account to receive the new shares

  • amount: the amount to issue, in nominal units

  • symbol: the ticker symbol of the asset to issue

  • memo: a memo to include in the transaction, readable by the recipient

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


extended_asset_object graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_asset(string asset_name_or_id) const

Returns information about the given asset.


the information about the asset stored in the block chain

  • asset_name_or_id: the symbol or id of the asset in question


asset_bitasset_data_object graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_bitasset_data(string asset_name_or_id) const

Returns the BitAsset-specific data for a given asset. Market-issued assets’s behavior are determined both by their “BitAsset Data” and their basic asset data, as returned by get_asset().


the BitAsset-specific data for this asset

  • asset_name_or_id: the symbol or id of the BitAsset in question


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::fund_asset_fee_pool(string from, string symbol, string amount, bool broadcast = false)

Pay into the fee pool for the given asset.

User-issued assets can optionally have a pool of the core asset which is automatically used to pay transaction fees for any transaction using that asset (using the asset’s core exchange rate).

This command allows anyone to deposit the core asset into this fee pool.


the signed transaction funding the fee pool

  • from: the name or id of the account sending the core asset

  • symbol: the name or id of the asset whose fee pool you wish to fund

  • amount: the amount of the core asset to deposit

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::reserve_asset(string from, string amount, string symbol, bool broadcast = false)

Burns an amount of given asset.

This command burns an amount of given asset to reduce the amount in circulation.


you cannot burn market-issued assets.


the signed transaction burning the asset

  • from: the account containing the asset you wish to burn

  • amount: the amount to burn, in nominal units

  • symbol: the name or id of the asset to burn

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::global_settle_asset(string symbol, price settle_price, bool broadcast = false)

Forces a global settling of the given asset (black swan or prediction markets).

In order to use this operation, asset_to_settle must have the global_settle flag set

When this operation is executed all open margin positions are called at the settle price. A pool will be formed containing the collateral got from the margin positions. Users owning an amount of the asset may use settle_asset() to claim collateral instantly at the settle price from the pool. If this asset is used as backing for other bitassets, those bitassets will not be affected.


this operation is used only by the asset issuer.


the signed transaction settling the named asset

  • symbol: the name or id of the asset to globally settle

  • settle_price: the price at which to settle

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network



signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::create_committee_member(string owner_account, string url, bool broadcast = false)

Creates a committee_member object owned by the given account.

An account can have at most one committee_member object.


the signed transaction registering a committee_member

  • owner_account: the name or id of the account which is creating the committee_member

  • url: a URL to include in the committee_member record in the blockchain. Clients may display this when showing a list of committee_members. May be blank.

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


witness_object graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_witness(string owner_account)

Returns information about the given witness.


the information about the witness stored in the block chain

  • owner_account: the name or id of the witness account owner, or the id of the witness


committee_member_object graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_committee_member(string owner_account)

Returns information about the given committee_member.


the information about the committee_member stored in the block chain

  • owner_account: the name or id of the committee_member account owner, or the id of the committee_member


map<string, witness_id_type> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::list_witnesses(const string &lowerbound, uint32_t limit)

Lists all witnesses registered in the blockchain. This returns a list of all account names that own witnesses, and the associated witness id, sorted by name. This lists witnesses whether they are currently voted in or not.

Use the lowerbound and limit parameters to page through the list. To retrieve all witnesss, start by setting lowerbound to the empty string "", and then each iteration, pass the last witness name returned as the lowerbound for the next list_witnesss() call.


a list of witnesss mapping witness names to witness ids

  • lowerbound: the name of the first witness to return. If the named witness does not exist, the list will start at the witness that comes after lowerbound

  • limit: the maximum number of witnesss to return (max: 1000)


map<string, committee_member_id_type> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::list_committee_members(const string &lowerbound, uint32_t limit)

Lists all committee_members registered in the blockchain. This returns a list of all account names that own committee_members, and the associated committee_member id, sorted by name. This lists committee_members whether they are currently voted in or not.

Use the lowerbound and limit parameters to page through the list. To retrieve all committee_members, start by setting lowerbound to the empty string "", and then each iteration, pass the last committee_member name returned as the lowerbound for the next list_committee_members() call.


a list of committee_members mapping committee_member names to committee_member ids

  • lowerbound: the name of the first committee_member to return. If the named committee_member does not exist, the list will start at the committee_member that comes after lowerbound

  • limit: the maximum number of committee_members to return (max: 1000)


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::create_witness(string owner_account, string url, bool broadcast = false)

Creates a witness object owned by the given account.

An account can have at most one witness object.


the signed transaction registering a witness

  • owner_account: the name or id of the account which is creating the witness

  • url: a URL to include in the witness record in the blockchain. Clients may display this when showing a list of witnesses. May be blank.

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::update_witness(string witness_name, string url, string block_signing_key, bool broadcast = false)

Update a witness object owned by the given account.


the signed transaction

  • witness_name: The name of the witness’s owner account. Also accepts the ID of the owner account or the ID of the witness.

  • url: Same as for create_witness. The empty string makes it remain the same.

  • block_signing_key: The new block signing public key. The empty string makes it remain the same.

  • broadcast: true if you wish to broadcast the transaction.


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::create_worker(string owner_account, time_point_sec work_begin_date, time_point_sec work_end_date, share_type daily_pay, string name, string url, variant worker_settings, bool broadcast = false)

Create a worker object.


the signed transaction

  • owner_account: The account which owns the worker and will be paid

  • work_begin_date: When the work begins

  • work_end_date: When the work ends

  • daily_pay: Amount of pay per day (NOT per maint interval)

  • name: Any text

  • url: Any text

  • worker_settings: {“type” : “burn”|”refund”|”vesting”, “pay_vesting_period_days” : x}

  • broadcast: true if you wish to broadcast the transaction.


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::update_worker_votes(string account, worker_vote_delta delta, bool broadcast = false)

Update your votes for workers


the signed transaction

  • account: The account which will pay the fee and update votes.

  • delta: {“vote_for” : […], “vote_against” : […], “vote_abstain” : […]}

  • broadcast: true if you wish to broadcast the transaction.


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::vote_for_committee_member(string voting_account, string committee_member, bool approve, bool broadcast = false)

Vote for a given committee_member.

An account can publish a list of all committee_members they approve of. This command allows you to add or remove committee_members from this list. Each account’s vote is weighted according to the number of shares of the core asset owned by that account at the time the votes are tallied.


you cannot vote against a committee_member, you can only vote for the committee_member or not vote for the committee_member.


the signed transaction changing your vote for the given committee_member

  • voting_account: the name or id of the account who is voting with their shares

  • committee_member: the name or id of the committee_member’ owner account

  • approve: true if you wish to vote in favor of that committee_member, false to remove your vote in favor of that committee_member

  • broadcast: true if you wish to broadcast the transaction


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::vote_for_witness(string voting_account, string witness, bool approve, bool broadcast = false)

Vote for a given witness.

An account can publish a list of all witnesses they approve of. This command allows you to add or remove witnesses from this list. Each account’s vote is weighted according to the number of shares of the core asset owned by that account at the time the votes are tallied.


you cannot vote against a witness, you can only vote for the witness or not vote for the witness.


the signed transaction changing your vote for the given witness

  • voting_account: the name or id of the account who is voting with their shares

  • witness: the name or id of the witness’ owner account

  • approve: true if you wish to vote in favor of that witness, false to remove your vote in favor of that witness

  • broadcast: true if you wish to broadcast the transaction


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::set_voting_proxy(string account_to_modify, optional<string> voting_account, bool broadcast = false)

Set the voting proxy for an account.

If a user does not wish to take an active part in voting, they can choose to allow another account to vote their stake.

Setting a vote proxy does not remove your previous votes from the blockchain, they remain there but are ignored. If you later null out your vote proxy, your previous votes will take effect again.

This setting can be changed at any time.


the signed transaction changing your vote proxy settings

  • account_to_modify: the name or id of the account to update

  • voting_account: the name or id of an account authorized to vote account_to_modify’s shares, or null to vote your own shares

  • broadcast: true if you wish to broadcast the transaction


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::set_desired_witness_and_committee_member_count(string account_to_modify, uint16_t desired_number_of_witnesses, uint16_t desired_number_of_committee_members, bool broadcast = false)

Set your vote for the number of witnesses and committee_members in the system.

Each account can voice their opinion on how many committee_members and how many witnesses there should be in the active committee_member/active witness list. These are independent of each other. You must vote your approval of at least as many committee_members or witnesses as you claim there should be (you can’t say that there should be 20 committee_members but only vote for 10).

There are maximum values for each set in the blockchain parameters (currently defaulting to 1001).

This setting can be changed at any time. If your account has a voting proxy set, your preferences will be ignored.


the signed transaction changing your vote proxy settings

  • account_to_modify: the name or id of the account to update

  • desired_number_of_witnesses: desired number of active witnesses

  • desired_number_of_committee_members: desired number of active committee members

  • broadcast: true if you wish to broadcast the transaction


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::propose_parameter_change(const string &proposing_account, fc::time_point_sec expiration_time, const variant_object &changed_values, bool broadcast = false)

Creates a transaction to propose a parameter change.

Multiple parameters can be specified if an atomic change is desired.


the signed version of the transaction

  • proposing_account: The account paying the fee to propose the tx

  • expiration_time: Timestamp specifying when the proposal will either take effect or expire.

  • changed_values: The values to change; all other chain parameters are filled in with default values

  • broadcast: true if you wish to broadcast the transaction


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::propose_fee_change(const string &proposing_account, fc::time_point_sec expiration_time, const variant_object &changed_values, bool broadcast = false)

Propose a fee change.


the signed version of the transaction

  • proposing_account: The account paying the fee to propose the tx

  • expiration_time: Timestamp specifying when the proposal will either take effect or expire.

  • changed_values: Map of operation type to new fee. Operations may be specified by name or ID. The “scale” key changes the scale. All other operations will maintain current values.

  • broadcast: true if you wish to broadcast the transaction

Privacy Mode


bool graphene::wallet::wallet_api::set_key_label(public_key_type key, string label)

These methods are used for stealth transfers This method can be used to set a label for a public key


No two keys can have the same label.


true if the label was set, otherwise false

  • key: a public key

  • label: a user-defined string as label


string graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_key_label(public_key_type key) const

Get label of a public key.


the label if already set by set_key_label(), or an empty string if not set

  • key: a public key


public_key_type graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_public_key(string label) const

Get the public key associated with a given label.


the public key associated with the given label

  • label: a label


map<string, public_key_type> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_blind_accounts() const

Get all blind accounts.


all blind accounts


map<string, public_key_type> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_my_blind_accounts() const

Get all blind accounts for which this wallet has the private key.


all blind accounts for which this wallet has the private key


vector<asset> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_blind_balances(string key_or_label)

Return the total balances of all blinded commitments that can be claimed by the given account key or label.


the total balances of all blinded commitments that can be claimed by the given account key or label

  • key_or_label: a public key in Base58 format or a label


public_key_type graphene::wallet::wallet_api::create_blind_account(string label, string brain_key)

Generates a new blind account for the given brain key and assigns it the given label.


the public key of the new account

  • label: a label

  • brain_key: the brain key to be used to generate a new blind account


blind_confirmation graphene::wallet::wallet_api::transfer_to_blind(string from_account_id_or_name, string asset_symbol, vector<pair<string, string>> to_amounts, bool broadcast = false)

Transfers a public balance from from_account_id_or_name to one or more blinded balances using a stealth transfer.


a blind confirmation

  • from_account_id_or_name: ID or name of an account to transfer from

  • asset_symbol: symbol or ID of the asset to be transferred

  • to_amounts: map from key or label to amount

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


blind_confirmation graphene::wallet::wallet_api::transfer_from_blind(string from_blind_account_key_or_label, string to_account_id_or_name, string amount, string asset_symbol, bool broadcast = false)

Transfers funds from a set of blinded balances to a public account balance.


a blind confirmation

  • from_blind_account_key_or_label: a public key in Base58 format or a label to transfer from

  • to_account_id_or_name: ID or name of an account to transfer to

  • amount: the amount to be transferred

  • asset_symbol: symbol or ID of the asset to be transferred

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


blind_confirmation graphene::wallet::wallet_api::blind_transfer(string from_key_or_label, string to_key_or_label, string amount, string symbol, bool broadcast = false)

Transfer from one set of blinded balances to another.


a blind confirmation

  • from_key_or_label: a public key in Base58 format or a label to transfer from

  • to_key_or_label: a public key in Base58 format or a label to transfer to

  • amount: the amount to be transferred

  • symbol: symbol or ID of the asset to be transferred

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


vector<blind_receipt> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::blind_history(string key_or_account)

Get all blind receipts to/form a particular account


all blind receipts to/form the account

  • key_or_account: a public key in Base58 format or an account


blind_receipt graphene::wallet::wallet_api::receive_blind_transfer(string confirmation_receipt, string opt_from, string opt_memo)

Given a confirmation receipt, this method will parse it for a blinded balance and confirm that it exists in the blockchain. If it exists then it will report the amount received and who sent it.


a blind receipt

  • confirmation_receipt: a base58 encoded stealth confirmation

  • opt_from: if not empty and the sender is a unknown public key, then the unknown public key will be given the label opt_from

  • opt_memo: a self-defined label for this transfer to be saved in local wallet file

Blockchain Inspection


optional<signed_block_with_info> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_block(uint32_t num)

Returns info about a specified block.


info about the block, or null if not found

  • num: height of the block to retrieve


uint64_t graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_account_count() const

Returns the number of accounts registered on the blockchain


the number of registered accounts


global_property_object graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_global_properties() const

Returns the block chain’s slowly-changing settings. This object contains all of the properties of the blockchain that are fixed or that change only once per maintenance interval (daily) such as the current list of witnesses, committee_members, block interval, etc.


get_dynamic_global_properties() for frequently changing properties


the global properties


dynamic_global_property_object graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_dynamic_global_properties() const

Returns the block chain’s rapidly-changing properties. The returned object contains information that changes every block interval such as the head block number, the next witness, etc.


get_global_properties() for less-frequently changing properties


the dynamic global properties


variant graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_object(object_id_type id) const

Returns the blockchain object corresponding to the given id.

This generic function can be used to retrieve any object from the blockchain that is assigned an ID. Certain types of objects have specialized convenience functions to return their objects e.g., assets have get_asset(), accounts have get_account(), but this function will work for any object.


the requested object

  • id: the id of the object to return

Transaction Builder


transaction_handle_type graphene::wallet::wallet_api::begin_builder_transaction()

Create a new transaction builder.


handle of the new transaction builder


void graphene::wallet::wallet_api::add_operation_to_builder_transaction(transaction_handle_type transaction_handle, const operation &op)

Append a new operation to a transaction builder.

  • transaction_handle: handle of the transaction builder

  • op: the operation in JSON format


void graphene::wallet::wallet_api::replace_operation_in_builder_transaction(transaction_handle_type handle, unsigned operation_index, const operation &new_op)

Replace an operation in a transaction builder with a new operation.

  • handle: handle of the transaction builder

  • operation_index: the index of the old operation in the builder to be replaced

  • new_op: the new operation in JSON format


asset graphene::wallet::wallet_api::set_fees_on_builder_transaction(transaction_handle_type handle, string fee_asset = GRAPHENE_SYMBOL)

Calculate and update fees for the operations in a transaction builder.


total fees

  • handle: handle of the transaction builder

  • fee_asset: name or ID of an asset that to be used to pay fees


transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::preview_builder_transaction(transaction_handle_type handle)

Show content of a transaction builder.


a transaction

  • handle: handle of the transaction builder


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::sign_builder_transaction(transaction_handle_type transaction_handle, bool broadcast = true)

Sign the transaction in a transaction builder and optionally broadcast to the network.


a signed transaction

  • transaction_handle: handle of the transaction builder

  • broadcast: whether to broadcast the signed transaction to the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::propose_builder_transaction(transaction_handle_type handle, time_point_sec expiration = time_point::now() + fc::minutes(1), uint32_t review_period_seconds = 0, bool broadcast = true)

Create a proposal containing the operations in a transaction builder (create a new proposal_create operation, then replace the transaction builder with the new operation), then sign the transaction and optionally broadcast to the network.

Note: this command is buggy because unable to specify proposer. It will be deprecated in a future release. Please use propose_builder_transaction2() instead.


a signed transaction

  • handle: handle of the transaction builder

  • expiration: when the proposal will expire

  • review_period_seconds: review period of the proposal in seconds

  • broadcast: whether to broadcast the signed transaction to the network


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::propose_builder_transaction2(transaction_handle_type handle, string account_name_or_id, time_point_sec expiration = time_point::now() + fc::minutes(1), uint32_t review_period_seconds = 0, bool broadcast = true)

Create a proposal containing the operations in a transaction builder (create a new proposal_create operation, then replace the transaction builder with the new operation), then sign the transaction and optionally broadcast to the network.


a signed transaction

  • handle: handle of the transaction builder

  • account_name_or_id: name or ID of the account who would pay fees for creating the proposal

  • expiration: when the proposal will expire

  • review_period_seconds: review period of the proposal in seconds

  • broadcast: whether to broadcast the signed transaction to the network


void graphene::wallet::wallet_api::remove_builder_transaction(transaction_handle_type handle)

Destroy a transaction builder.

  • handle: handle of the transaction builder


string graphene::wallet::wallet_api::serialize_transaction(signed_transaction tx) const

Converts a signed_transaction in JSON form to its binary representation.


the binary form of the transaction. It will not be hex encoded, this returns a raw string that may have null characters embedded in it

  • tx: the transaction to serialize


signed_transaction graphene::wallet::wallet_api::sign_transaction(signed_transaction tx, bool broadcast = false)

Signs a transaction.

Given a fully-formed transaction that is only lacking signatures, this signs the transaction with the necessary keys and optionally broadcasts the transaction


the signed version of the transaction

  • tx: the unsigned transaction

  • broadcast: true if you wish to broadcast the transaction


operation graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_prototype_operation(string operation_type)

Returns an uninitialized object representing a given blockchain operation.

This returns a default-initialized object of the given type; it can be used during early development of the wallet when we don’t yet have custom commands for creating all of the operations the blockchain supports.

Any operation the blockchain supports can be created using the transaction builder’s add_operation_to_builder_transaction() , but to do that from the CLI you need to know what the JSON form of the operation looks like. This will give you a template you can fill in. It’s better than nothing.


a default-constructed operation of the given type

  • operation_type: the type of operation to return, must be one of the operations defined in graphene/protocol/operations.hpp (e.g., “global_parameters_update_operation”)