Bitshares Blockchain Explorer and the Wrappers

BliShares Blockchain Explorer

This tool allows you to check BitShares blockchain health. You can observe the BitShares blockchain operations/transactions, market volumes, assets, and fees. Also you can search “block”, “Account”, “Object”, “Asset”, and Transaction by the ID.

APIs to Query BitShares Blockchain

The below API tools allow you to try BitShares APIs. You can set value(s) and click [Try it out!] (*see, how it works), then, you will get a return. The return include an example Curl command path, Request URL, Response Body, Response Code, and Response Headers. Those information are very valuable to learn BitShares Blockchain.

If you are interested to have own BitShares Explorer API up and running for a production environment, we have the installation guide to follow.

Contributor: @oxarbitrage